Sunday, November 6, 2016

What Is Comic Poetry Response

"..It is by their syllables that words juxtapose in beauty."
-Charles Olson

Poetry and comics go hand in hand, both being a walk inside of the artists/writers mind through there representation. Poets as Andrew Rothman writes about  are rooting around in the language toolbox devising ways to break and reinvent language. Comics on the other hand are just the visual version with juxtaposition. I loved the way Rothman used the army cannon to show how we put ourselves into the image, describing the fire off and reloading of the weapon.

Rothman uses his broad definition of both poetry and comics to sustain a openness of expression for the form as possible. His intention was to show how the cumulative goal of comic poetry, is to present itself as work that draws upon the expressive potential of visual language. Though illustration that is based on poetry is seen more as embellishments rather than comic poetry. The balance for comic and poetry is the tricky part the one thing that emphasized Duplication is dead weight.

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