Monday, November 7, 2016

Garden Writing

I am at a pretty cool place, it blocks the outside noise of the city. Inside however you are greeted by the sound of rustling trees in the wind. In the distance you hear the running water from the ponds, each containing its different inhabitants including flying. Behind the tangled bamboo trees lies a ancient looking water sculpture, made of stacked slabs with water spewing from under the three small rocks above. This acts like a gateway to the hidden gem around the corner, down the path is a scene taken from a painting. The growing pond that grew plants at the center, red bridge going over a stream bordered with rocks along the side into a bigger pond . This one bordered with rocks and growing plants , Inside the pale yellowish water contained bigger rocks that poked out of the middle. Sitting inside here zens you out, letting your mind wander about for once and a while its pretty cool.

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