Friday, August 26, 2016

Why There Is No Such Thing As "Outsider" Art (Response)

The separation of artist are touched upon in this article. Jerry Saltz shows that there are great artist that are considered "Outsiders". His comparisons to Bill Taylor and Picasso was something that stood out to me. I then compared the two and they share similarities for there training background. Jerry Saltz touches on how these artist are looked over when they hold some of the best artwork for years.

Saltz plead that the museums should change the separation and integrate the looked over artist. I was surprised to see the artist that we researched were in the article. Something that also stood out to me was how women weren't able to become "great artist" because of there lack of training. I thought it was dumb that women couldn't be great artist because of there view as being pure. When they got so much talent it blows my mind.


  1. Check. What do you think: should we have a separate category for contemporary outsider artists, or simply include them with all contemporary art?

  2. Emmanuel, please keep up with your written responses, and post all work done for this class (small works and in-depth responses).
