Friday, August 26, 2016

White Bird By John Berger (Response)

The wonder of the white bird is thought provoking. this piece holds secrets that can be connected to the nature around us. The author describes the soaking and sizing for the wood in such detail that you could see in constructed in your head. Our momentary sense of wonder is examined in this article. Looking into how a wooden bird can change a perspective through its mysterious creation.

Something that stood out to me , was the author's concept of beauty being dependent on the community. The author says "the range of what a given community finds beautiful in nature will depend upon its means of survival, its economy, its geography." I thought about how everyone's background changes there view on the world. how we can be different personally but we all retain that innocent sense of wonder. 

"The language of art is and attempt to transform the instantaneous to the permanent."
-John Berger

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