Monday, October 24, 2016

Green Dreams Response

The garden is described by Robert Harbison to be built on the idea of contrast, originating as "a attempt to recapture something, but the form it finds for the act is that of a mental picture". The two forces go against each other with in the garden transforming it. Moving between the man made appearance and the natural, the eventual evolution is what is prized.

The most interesting garden i read about was the Stowe. The way Greek temples were thoughtfully placed for the viewer to have a mental road map.I liked how the scattered temples around the area open the viewers visual intake as well, like the Congreve monument was a little island that lured you to examine the terrain. The Grecian Valley is a rolling farm field built in the area closed off at the top with a Greek temple. It was nice to see the natural movement of a gardens evolution.

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