Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Art And Design In The Modern Age : Wolfsonian Visit

The Wolfsonian collection was interesting to observe the progress of art through time. The murals spanned from the depression era and touched on racial relations .The pieces were cool my favorite was the interracial couple walking through Paris.I could feel the mood of the painting, it felt like the couple was receiving stares. It feels so different now that being together with someone outside of your race is accepted. During the visit there was a lot of furniture, as time went on they became more and more simplistic. Modernization was prominent from the second half forward. All in All it was a nice collection i wish i could see more.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Ornament and Pattern

  One thing that I pulled from this article is that "patterns are essential" . This article introduced a complex yet accurate way of looking at ornamentation. Like the Oliver sacks suggestion that we are "hard wired" to see patterns.  The article gives great examples, I liked Ela Cindoruk's work the dollies with the newspaper clippings. The weirdest one which was the chair that looked like it was growing out. Those Brazilian designers killed it .

  The six themes that were explained in the article were : Amplification, Elaboration, The Everyday , Inheritance, Kit of Parts , and Fantasy. The toast with the delftware pattern was so cool. I liked how it meant to savor your meal. Now after reading this is paying attention more to the patterns and the way people use ornamentation.  "Orno means to equip or to adorn in Latin ".