Sunday, December 11, 2016

Pattern: In-depth

Rhinoceros from Durer to Stubbs Response

On May 20th 1515, the Lisbon ganda  was the first of its kind to arrive in europe. Ganda is the name for rhinoceros in Indian (Gujarati). With its presence came its major impact on art. Inspiring Albrecht Durer's woodcut which later will be looked at to be a valid image in german schools in 1948.

Even though Durer had never seen the rhinoceros his attention to detail was on point. So much so that it was replicated and placed into future artists work. I found it interesting the different variations in style describing the same creature. Some of them were cartoonish then went to detailed similar to the original.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Zine Case

Patterns: In-depth

A People's Art History of the United States Response

The reading was interesting, history has been something i like. reading about how some moment of photographs can be staged/faked changed my importance of a photograph. It made me appreciate the sincerity of how it was taken.  To some extent i knew as far as manipulation its feasible, but not in the case of Edward S. Curtis.

Infamous to a certain extent for staging his pictures of Native Americans. Even though they were presented nicely, it was there mannerisms and positions that made them lose their life. However in Richard Throssel's case, his renditions had the aesthetic and movement in each picture. but if you were to see all three you could barely tell the difference,

Rhinoceros: In-Depth

Patterns: Small Works